Thank you for your interest in Vernon Search and Rescue. We have started our membership drive for 2025 and will be accepting applications for new members between March 3rd and March 31st, 2025.
To support our 2025 recruitment, we will be holding a 2 hour recruitment information open house at our facility (5150 Silverstar Road, Vernon, B.C.) on March 12th, 2025. Specific times will be announced at a later date as there will be multiple sessions held this day.
Although attending the recruitment information open house is not a requirement to join, we do encourage all interested individuals to come out. This is the only opportunity you will have to find out detailed information on the requirements, training process, expectations, and how our specialty teams operate. This will also be an opportunity to ask questions.
In order to attend the recruitment information open house, you will be required to enroll by sending a request to Once we receive your request to attend, we will provide a time slot for your session. Only individuals who have registered to attend will be admitted. Space is limited, therefore contact us now to hold your spot.
Who is VSAR?
We are members of the community from all walks of life
- 100% unpaid volunteers
- 65 members
- Average of 60 calls annually
- Over 10,000 volunteer hours each year
- Established in 1960
- Comprised of several teams including:
- Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR)
- Snowmobile
- Rope
- Swiftwater
- Bike
- Boat
- Live in the North Okanagan area
- Ability to commit to coming out to events, training and tasks
- Have and maintain a fitness level to meet our operational requirements (more details at the open house)
- Ability to respond to the search hall quickly once a call has been made for members to attend a task (additional details will be provided at the open house)
- Successfully complete the GSAR course and exams. This is a mandatory starting point for becoming a VSAR member. This training is free to all individuals who have been accepted to join VSAR (additional details will be provided at the open house)
Our Mission
We are dedicated to providing professional search and rescue services to those in need within our community.
Our vision:
Search, rescue, and prevention services trusted by our community.
Our core values:
Teamwork, Family, Fun, Challenge, Pride, Respect.
Submit expressions of interest to attend our Recruitment Information Open House by March 10th, 2025 via email to Please include in the subject: RSVP VSAR <first name> <last name>. We do get a significant amount of interest, so we encourage everyone to register early for their spot. Attending the recruitment information open house is the best way to get informed; joining Search and Rescue is a big commitment.